Kick Start or Slow Start?
It's a new year and we should all be feeling refreshed and ready to kick start our goals! However, I always feel a bit underwhelmed during this time. December is FULL of hectic holiday shows, on top of Christmas plans and family gatherings. January just seems like a dead month in comparison.

Last week I was catching up with some friends (a post holiday gathering) and one of the girls reminded me that I should still be full of knit excitement, as January solidifies consistent negative degree weather! (at least in Canada). I went home thinking 'she's right!' Just because show season had come to an end, doesn't mean that people are trading their knits in for shorts, bikinis and sunscreen! I just needed a little push to get the year started. SOOO as I scrolled through my twitter this morning, I noticed a small link to a project called the #365project; EXACTLY what I needed. Document one thing your grateful for each day!
Day 1:

Grateful for my hands, I'm a Maker at heart and without them I would not have a creative outlet. They are also an equal blend of my parent's hands, and I love the thought that I carry a part of them with me everyday.
You can read the original project here however I will be documenting my 365 days of Gratitude through instagram using #SS365. Follow along @SSandCo_ or start your own '365 project' .
Michelle, I LOVE Valentines day and I hope that people will be thinking warm and cozy this year. I will definitely do something boost my Valentine’s Day market! Thx:)
you could get in on the valentines day market, January is one of my busier months because of it.
A gorgeous knit for your sweetie, that’d be awesome!!!
Love the challenge too, I already follow you so I’ll get to see all your gratefulness (is that a word?). I’m just doing my own 365 project, documenting a piece of each and every day on instagram
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